Case Studies
Pecos Case Study Snapshots
- The world’s largest privately held company had a team of employees with low Employee Engagement scores. The group’s leader was interested in improving employee satisfaction as well as in developing a more effective culture for the team. Pecos Consulting worked with the entire team for a period of 12 months focusing on 6 of the 12 engagement impact factors. One year later, scores improved dramatically and the team is more cohesive and more focused on driving results.
- A $70 million manufacturing company wanted to maximize profitability before going public. They knew they needed to engage and align the leadership team behind a single common purpose and focus everyone’s efforts on improving efficiencies. Pecos consulting worked with the leadership team and their direct reports quarterly for a year, including all new hires. Today their entire employee base is working collaboratively and imaginatively to develop new sources of profitability and growth.
- When two former competing organizations merged into one, they discovered that while they had the same business model, they had drastically different cultures. The President wanted one, well defined set of operating principals and one clear articulated company vision. After 18 months, the business has been renamed, redefined, and reenergized. Employees are now working collaboratively towards a common goal and cost efficiency goals have been achieved. Employee retention has increased by 12% and customer satisfaction is high.
- When a new leader of a large insurance organization was promoted, he discovered a team of executives who were struggling to adjust to the extreme contrast in his management approach (as compared to his predecessor’s style). Efforts were being wasted and the focus was diffused. Pecos brought his team together for a three-day Offsite Retreat that utilized a variety of interactive events. During the Retreat, he was able to connect with the team, help members let go of the past and align behind his new leadership and direction. They just completed their most profitable year on record.
- High turnover on this executive team created a void where cohesiveness had existed. In addition, cutbacks and reductions forced people into significantly different roles. The leader of this team wanted to create a new paradigm for working together and to create a powerful Code of Team Behavior for moving forward. Pecos Consulting worked with this executive team for nine months to create a healthy culture and a new agreement for moving forward. They are clearly coming together as a cohesive team and working together well to achieve award-winning results, despite severe budget constraints.
- An international hospitability company wanted to make certain their executives left the World Conference with a clear mission about their leadership directive. Following a dynamic keynote speaker, Pecos Consulting conducted an experiential activity for all 1600 attendees to “ activate” the keynote inside people turning points from the podium into changes in the workplace. Once they returned back home, they wanted all 1600 attendees voting with their feet. After six months, participants are still energized and focused on a common strategy and achieving greater results because of it.
- A financial services organization was experiencing dramatic reorganization and their employees were giving excuses, not answers, to a shortfall in new account acquisition. The senior leadership group wanted an immediate shift in attitude to assure they would achieve their goal. Given the critical timing involved, results needed to be immediate. Pecos consulting came in and worked with the top 150 selling managers in three segments. After one month, the top performers were back on plan and the “bleeding had been arrested”. Additionally, the group felt empowered and prepared with innovative ideas and a mentoring system to help them solve problems by working collaboratively.
- A franchised organization with locations throughout the U.S. was experiencing inconsistencies and lack of accountability around results. The CEO was interested in expanding locations and needed a consistent replicatable model across all business units. Additionally, he wanted a culture that shared best practices and encouraged people to work together, not in competition. Pecos consulting came in and worked with the executive team and 100 of their middle managers over a period of 3 months. Not only have they been able to shift their culture, they are also changing the way they reward and recognize their people to create a single, clear message across all locations. They are confident they will achieve their growth strategy and continue their profitable expansion.